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Svartzonker McTracer

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Blue Sunrise Blue Sunrise
Fire Carp Flash Fire Carp Flash
Glitter Fegis Glitter Fegis
Golden Minnow Golden Minnow
Motoroil Burbot Motoroil Burbot
Real Hot Pike Real Hot Pike
Real Roach Real Roach
Yellowfin Perch Yellowfin Perch


McTracer is an easy gliding and swimming search bait that can be fished in countless ways. With it’s movement and rattles, McTracer leaves a trace in the water no pike can resist. On a steady retrieve, McTracer swims in wide S-curves and with light jerks, it glides erratically from side to side. Use it with a medium to heavy casting or spinning gear with a normal pike-proof leader
Nom Poids Taille Prix Moyen
N°1 69 12.5 14 €
N°2 150 16.5 16 €

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